The Global Dow began today. Among it's features:
- Stocks selected by senior editors of the Wall Street Journal in 3 major global regions
- Contains 150 stocks weighted equally
- All 30 Dow industrial's are included, as well as some from the DJ Transportation and Utility averages
- Covers both developed and emerging markets
- includes companies from emerging sectors (alternative energy)
- a list of the holdings are
here - fluctuates closely to the DJ Wilshire Global -- 0.99 correlation over three years (underweight in the Americas; 42% vs. 46%, greater emphasis on Europe; 32% vs. 27%, Asia/Pacific is slightly heavier; 21% vs. 20%
- Within 10 major industries it is underweight by nearly 4% in Financials, 0.6 of a point in Oil & Gas and 0.4 in Telecommunications. It is slightly overweight in most of the remaining seven. Technology is the biggest with its weight of 10.4% being 1.4 percentage points more than in the DJ Wilshire Global.
- Through Oct. 31, it is down 42.16% on a total return basis, compared with 40.69% for the DJ Wilshire Global